Ningyou no Kuni

Tags:: #Manga #Manga_2024

Related to Knights Of Sidonia, Aposimz is a ship just like Sidonia and was more than 170 light years away from Sidonia, when it was last mentioned in Knights of Sidonia.

There are a lot of similarities between the 2, but the major difference is that there are no Gaunas in Aposimz, I think this is because there is no Kabizashi which makes Gauna hostile and makes them target the ships. Also, I think it's because on Aposimz there are no humans left, they are mostly automatons (like robots). So there is no need to target them.

I think that manga was good enough, but the ending felt rushed and a lot of main characters were skipped over. The plot was good, and I enjoyed reading it, not much character development, but lots of action and adventure. I really liked Titania as a character, this was Aposimz Tsugumi for me.